Welcome to My Blockchain Miners

Contact  Us: +91-7892595547

Shipping Policy

  1. We ship throughout India across all locations served by reputed courier companies.
  2. When you place order we processed your order, you will receive an e-mail or SMS with the details of the processing your order time to time they are packed and handed over to our trusted delivery partner.
  3. Our delivery partners deliver the package to you. In case, they are unable to reach your provided address or at a suitable time, they will contact you to resolve the issue.
  4. Delivery will not be redirected/ redelivered to any other address without extra charges. We will attempt delivery of the items only once. In case the delivery is not executed during the attempt, the customer shall still be charged for the order and no re-delivery may be possible.
  5. Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive an email with the details of the tracking number and the courier company that is processing your order. You can track the status of your package after your order is dispatched.
  6. We dispatch most orders the estimated shipping time (in business days i.e. excluding public holidays and Sundays). In case a reputed courier does not cover a particular remote location then we will send the consignment by speed through the Indian Postal Services, which may take 1-2 weeks depending upon the location, we will send you an email containing the details of the order placed by you.
  7. Cash on Delivery (COD) Service is not available.

Cancellation Policy

Blockchain Miners provides best customers service as far as possible, but for fulfilling customer request cancellation policy are Under this policy:

  1. Cancellations will not be considered for orders which are once shipped, order can be cancelled before it goes in shipping. consumers can only modify their orders only once. Once order is given to the courier partner, customers have to accept the order compulsory.
  2. Blockchain Miners does not accept cancellation requests for preorder items.
  3. In case you feel that the product received is not as shown on the site, you must bring it to the notice of our customer service within 72 hours of receiving the product. After looking into your complaint our support team will take an appropriate decision.
  4. In case of complaints regarding products that come with a warranty from manufacturers, please refer the issue to them.
Free Shipping

On all orders above ₹7500

Easy Checkout

No Need To Create Account

International Warranty

Offered in the country of usage

100% Secure Checkout

PayPal / MasterCard / Visa

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